Rosen Method bodywork uses gentle touch, verbal dialogue, and a subtle tracking of the breath to help clients to heal trauma, to build resilience, and to develop confident knowing from the inside-out.
"Rosen Method bodywork is distinguished by its gentle, direct touch. Using hands that listen rather than manipulate, the practitioner focuses on chronic muscle tension. As relaxation occurs and the breath deepens, unconscious feelings, attitudes, and memories may emerge. The Rosen bodywork practitioner has been trained to notice subtle changes in muscle tension and shifts in the breath, and to acknowledge the responses with touch and words. As this process unfolds, habitual tension and old patterns may be released, freeing the client to experience more aliveness, new choices in life, and a greater sense of well-being." - Rosenmethod.com
What to Expect During a Session:
During a Rosen Method bodywork session, client and practitioner focus together on tracking muscular tension and breathing patterns. When appropriate, Katherine draws attention to brain-body feedback loops by naming correlations between what a client is verbalizing, and how their breath and muscles are responding. Some clients find it helpful to process and deepen their Rosen experience through making art or music between sessions. Many clients find it helpful to work with a therapist in conjunction with Rosen Method. Rosen emphasizes what the body knows, and practitioners avoid counseling clients on the material that arises during a session. Putting the embodied experience first is a great balance and compliment to talk therapy which prioritizes making meaning through dialogue and verbal connection.
Each session runs for an hour, with 50 minutes on the bodywork table, and a few minutes after the session for verbal reflection. Clients remain draped with a sheet for the duration of the session, and may wear loose fitting clothing with access to the back muscles, or undress to the extent that one would for a normal massage, depending on the client's comfort.